


EN 840-1-2012 移动式废物与回收箱.第1部分:梳齿形提升装置用大容积为400L的两轮箱.尺寸和设计.Mobile waste and recycling containers - Part 1: Containers with 2 wheels with a capacity up to 400 l for comb lifting devices - Dimensions and design

EN 840-2-2012 移动式废料收集箱.第2部分:枢轴和/或梳齿形提升装置用带平盖的容积为1300 l及以下的4轮收集箱.尺寸规格和设计.Mobile waste and recycling containers - Part 2: Containers with 4 wheels with a capacity up to 1 300 l with flat lid(s), for trunnion and/or comb lifting devices - Dimensions and design

EN 840-3-2012 移动式废料收集箱.第3部分:枢轴和/或梳齿形提升装置用带圆盖的容积为1300 l及以下的4轮收集箱.尺寸规格和设计.Mobile waste and recycling containers - Part 3: Containers with 4 wheels with a capacity up to 1 300 l with dome lid(s), for trunnion and/or comb lifting devices - Dimensions and design

EN 840-5-2012 移动式废料箱.第5部分:性能要求和试验方法.Mobile waste and recycling containers - Part 5: Performance requirements and test methods;

EN ISO 8099-2000 小型船舶.卫生间废弃物收集系统 Small craft - Toilet waste retention systems (ISO 8099:2000);

EN 1501-1-2015 垃圾收集车.一般要求和安全要求.第1部分:后倾卸垃圾收集车.Refuse collection vehicles - General requirements and safety requirements - Part 1: Rear loaded refuse collection vehicles;

EN 1501-2-2009 垃圾收集车及相关提升装置.一般要求和安全性要求.第2部分:侧面装载的垃圾收集车.Refuse collection vehicles and their associated lifting devices - General requirements and safety requirements - Part 2: Side loaded refuse collection vehicles;

EN 1501-3-2008 垃圾收集车及其相关提升装置.一般要求和安全要求.第3部分:前部装载式垃圾收集车 Refuse collection vehicles and their associated lifting devices - General requirements and safety requirements - Part 3: Front loaded refuse collection vehicles

EN 1501-4-2007 垃圾收集车及其相关提升装置.一般要求和安全性要求.第4部分:垃圾收集车的噪声试验规范

Refuse collection vehicles and their associated lifting devices - General requirements and safety requirements - Part 4: Noise test code for refuse collection vehicles; German version EN 1501-4:2007

EN 1501-5-2011 垃圾收集车辆的通用要求和安全要求.第5部分:垃圾收集车辆用提升装置;

Refuse collection vehicles - General requirements and safety requirements - Part 5: Lifting devices for refuse collection vehicles;

EN 1744-7-2012 集料化学特性试验. 第7部分:都市垃圾焚化炉底灰集料的灼烧减量测定 (MIBA集料);

Tests for chemical properties of aggregates - Part 7: Determination of loss of ignition of Municipal Incinerator Bottom Ash Aggregate (MIBA Aggregate)

EN 1744-8-2012 集料化学性能的试验.第8部分:都市垃圾焚化炉底灰(MIBA)集料的金属含量测定用分类试验.

Tests for chemical properties of aggregates - Part 8: Sorting test to determine metal content of Municipal Incinerator Bottom Ash (MIBA) Aggregates

EN 1997-1-2013 欧洲标准7:土工工程设计.第1部分:一般规则.德文版本EN 1997-1-2004+AC-2009+A1-2013

Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Part 1: General rules; German version EN 1997-1:2004 + AC:2009 + A1:2013 现行

EN 12574-1-2006 固定式垃圾箱.第1部分:套管、双向套管或袋状升降装置用带扁盖或圆盖的容量为1700-5000升的垃圾箱.尺寸和设计Stationary waste containers - Part 1: Containers with a capacity up to 10 000 l with flat or dome lid(s), for trunnion, double trunnion or pocket lifting device - Dimensions and design English version of DIN EN 12574-1:2006-04

EN 12574-2-2006 固定式垃圾箱.第2部分:性能要求和试验方法

Stationary waste containers - Part 2: Performance requirements and test methods; German version EN 12574-2:2006 现行 预览

EN 12574-3-2006 固定式垃圾箱.第3部分:安全和卫生要求

Stationary waste containers - Part 3: Safety and health requirements; German version EN 12574-3:2006 现行 预览

18 EN 13071-1-2008 顶部提高和底部清空低于5000L的固定废弃物容器.第1部分:一般要求

Stationary waste containers up to 5000 l, top lifted and bottom emptied - Part 1: General requirements;

EN 13071-2-2013 顶部提高和底部清空低于5000 L的固定废弃物容器.第2部分:地下或部分地下设备的附加要求.

Stationary waste containers up to 5 000 l, top lifted and bottom emptied - Part 2: Additional requirements for underground or partly underground systems; German version EN 13071-2:2008+A1:2013 现行

EN 13492-2013 土木合成阻挡层.液体废弃物处置场所、传送站或二级容器结构中使用的阻挡层的特征要求 Geosynthetic barriers - Characteristics required for use in the construction of liquid waste disposal sites, transfer stations or secondary containment

EN 13592-2007 家庭废弃物收集用塑料袋.类型、要求和试验方法 Plastics sacks for household waste collection - Types, requirements and test methods;

EN 13593-2003 包装.家用废弃物收集纸袋.类型、要求和试验方法

Packaging - Paper sacks for household waste collection - Types, requirements and test methods

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